Contact Us

(541) 737-9193
Graf Hall 2nd Floor
1680 SW Monroe Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97331
Finding Our Lab: The SHARE Lab is part of the Collaborative Robotics and Intelligent Systems (CoRIS) Institute. Our labs and core faculty offices are located in the 2nd and 3rd floors of Graf Hall on OSU's campus.

Prospective Students: We are looking for graduate and undergraduate researchers to get involved in our research group. Please reach out to Prof. Fitter by email to learn more. Top applicants succinctly express their research interests, demonstrate knowledge of our relevant past projects/publications, and ask interesting questions about our work.

Lab Tours: The CoRIS Institute provides a limited number of tours in order to minimize disruptions to our research team. Tours are currently handled centrally by Prof. Ravi Balasubramanian. If you are interested in arranging a tour for you group, please Prof. Balasubramanian with the following information: group affiliation, size of group, age distribution of group, and preferred visit time(s).